How to vote for boosted farm


  • Have Metamask set to Fantom Opera network

  • Have veELCT in your wallet

  • Have $FTM in your wallet for gas fees

Step-by-step guide:

1. Go to ProtoFi App

2. Connect wallet.

3. Go to the Nav bar, click on Gauge Voting and select Lock & Vote.

4. Search for your preferred farm (by either scrolling through the list of farms or searching in the search bar) and allocate the percentage you want to vote for the farm. You can vote for as many farms as you want. There is also a distribution helper on the top left corner, which allocates remaining votes evenly among farms. Investor inputted votes and farms remain unaffected.

5. After you have allocated 100% of the votes, click on the Vote button.

6. Confirm the vote on Metamask.

Last updated